Komodo Island Tour & Reason To Visit Komodo National Park | Notredame

Lena Layla
3 min readSep 14, 2021


Are you planning a trip to see the Komodo dragons and looking for the finest Komodo island tour package? We recently returned from our trip a few months ago, and I must say, you’re in for a wonderful treat. Dragons, rusty-red volcanic hills, coral reefs, pink sand beaches, sparkling turquoise oceans.

Everyone comes to Indonesia’s Komodo National Park to see one thing and one thing only: the dragons. And for good reason: Komodo is the only place in the world where you can meet them! Komodo island trip allowing you to explore the land and sea wildlife around Taman National Komodo park

Komodo Island Tour And Reason To Visit Komodo National Park

The vast and impressive Komodo National Park is located in the East Nusa Tenggara province. The Komodo National Park consists of 29 volcanic islands and is home to approximately 2,500 Komodo Dragons. The park’s terrain is unique in that it includes tropical rain forests, grassland savannah, and clean white sandy beaches. A Komodo island tour is an opportunity to explore flora and fauna.

Komodo Dragon

The Komodo Dragon is the world’s largest lizard and reptile, measuring over 3 meters in length and weighing over 70 kilograms. Massive stature, flat heads, bowed legs, long thick tails, and fork-shaped tongues distinguish the dragons. Komodo dragons can run and swim at speeds of up to 20 kilometers per hour and have great vision. They allowing them to spot objects from 300 meters away. These reptiles are carnivores and can eat up to 80% of their body weight in a single feeding. Water buffalo, deer, carrion, pigs, and even humans are among the Komodo’s major prey.

Geography & Climate

The Komodo National Park has one of Indonesia’s driest climates. Monsoonal rains have a significant impact on the national park, which receives little to no rainfall for about 8 months of the year. From May to October, daily temperatures average around 40 degrees. The marine environment has a vibrant and diverse terrain. The national park, which is part of the Asia Pacific Coral Triangle, is home to a diverse range of seagrass beds, vibrant coral reefs, and dense mangrove forests.


The Komodo National Park is home to spectacular Komodo Dragon. You can see the Komodo dragons walking freely in their native outdoor habitats.

A wide range of reptiles, mammals, and birds can be found among the terrestrial fauna. 12 snake species, 9 lizard species, numerous frogs, the Timor deer (the Komodo’s main food), horses, water buffalos, wild boars, the indigenous Rinca rat, fruit bats, the orange footed scrub fowl, and over 40 bird species are among them.

Diving Spots

A Komodo island tour is the best way to explore diving spots around Komodo National Park. Divers, scientists, and photographers from all over the world visit this national park to witness the incredible biodiversity found at one of the many dive sites.

This area is famous for its strong currents, riptides, and whirlpools, which bring rich nutrients from the depths of the Indian Ocean. This is what causes many tropical fish and corals to thrive.

Divers can expect to see manta rays, sharks, and dugongs on tough blue water current dives.

Diving at Komodo National Park will take you to the center of one of the world’s most dynamic marine environments.

Originally published at http://notredame2lux.com on September 14, 2021.



Lena Layla

Outside of her professional endeavors, Lena is an independent storyteller, weaving narratives that captivate audiences and transport them to different worlds.